roviders of digital services services are now divided into essential and important NIS2 enumerates these services in its two appendices precisely according to this division For essential services the regulation will only concern large enterprises while for important services medium and large enterprisesBasic servicesLets take a look at these categories individually and highlight whats changing In the energy sector the subsectors of district heating and cooling as well as hydrogen production s fall into the category of tougher regulation ie the essential basic services regime .
Otherwise there are distribution and transmission system operators producers and sellers Indonesia WhatsApp Number Data of electricity electricity market organizers operators of charging stations together with electromobility providersThere are also operators of oil pipelines oil extraction refining and processing facilities storage and transfer facilities and central inventory managers We also include gas traders distributors transporters and gas producers and gas storage providersThe transport sector includes commercial air carriers airport management authorities and entities operating auxiliary facilities within airports operators of traffic management control .
Then it will be operators of national or regional railways or publicly accessible sidings and carriers operating transport on these railways And finally there are the road authorities responsible for the planning control and management of the roads within their jurisdictionThe banking and financial market infrastructure sector is regulated by its own DORA regulation on the digital operational resilience of the financial sector and therefore we will not address itIn addition to medical facilities the healthcare sector will also include.