That can be registered differ depending on the business category. This information contributes to search ratings for certain items, but for others it has no effect at all. Items that have an impact on search ratings include takeout and delivery. Attribute information helps search engines understand your store more deeply, and certain information is displayed in search results and knowledge panels, helping searchers choose a store, so we provide accurate and up-to-date information.
Items that do not affect search evaluation and incorrect usage methods From here, we will ex Consumer Mobile number Database plain the factors that do not have a direct impact on search evaluation. These elements often deviate from their original purpose and are misused to improve search rankings. Please use this as a reference when reviewing the details of your registered business.
Business description Google Business Profile Business Description business description A business description is a text that serves as a guideline for users to understand the features and services of your business. The sentences and keywords described here are almost never used as ranking signals under the current specifications, and even if they do have an impact, it is at a level that cannot be measured. I often see stores writing text in this area that is overly conscious of search keywords, but this is not as effective as a search strategy.