In the case of calculating the working time for part-time work, this work time is proportionally reduced by 1/2, 1.4 and 3/4 to the basic time. For eample, March 2023 has 184 working hours in a month, which we must divide appropriately depending on the working time: 1/2 time: 184 hours ½ 92 hours 1/4 time: 184 hours ¼ 46 hours 3/4 full-time: 184 hours ¾ 138 hours It is worth remembering.
That if you are employed under an employment contract, you are entitled to at least 11 hours of uninterrupted rest every 24 hours, additional time off at the weekend (Saturday and Sunday) and the right to at least a 15-minute phone number list break included in your working time. All these demands are specified in the provisions and changes in the Labor Code 2023 . How to calculate working time? Determining the working time is very simple.
You should have basic information on how many working days there are in a given month and include every non-working holiday in the calculations. To calculate the working time in a given month, perform the following calculations: We multiply 40 hours by the number of weeks in the adopted settlement period (for a monthly settlement period it is 4 weeks). We add 8 hours to the obtained result for each additional day.