What what do you want to say to the recipient of the text? After understanding who the protagonist is and who the reader is, you need to think about what you really want to communicate . For example, if a copywriter has to talk about a small car to a potential buyer, he can describe the aesthetic characteristics, those of the engine, consumption, options, but he certainly must not spend words on extremely technical details within the reach of only expert mechanics. To obtain a text useful for predefined marketing strategies, it is important to always be clear about what each sentence must convey to the reader . Find out what Inbound Marketing can give you benefits and opportunities for your company. Download our guide for free now Where Where will the copywriter's work be published? A copywriter who works in a structured marketing agency finds himself creating different types of texts that are published on various online and offline media , for example.
Website Blogs E commerce Landing Page E mail Social networks photo editing servies Online advertising Flyers Brochures Magazines Signage Packaging This list, not entirely complete, can make us understand the importance of knowing where the text that the copy creates will be published, because each communication channel has specific techniques to respect and requires the use of precise writing methodologies . When when it will be published and when the life of the content will end copywriting techniques Knowing when the content will be published is important to ensure that the information is truthful and authoritative . Writing a post for the next release of a new small car model.
To take the example given previously, without knowing that it will only find space on company social networks after the official presentation of the car translates into a failure. Additionally, you need to think about the lifespan of the content . The presentation of an event by reservation is effective until it reaches sold out or when it begins; an article on the principles of copywriting, just to give a random example, could potentially be valid forever. These two aspects cannot be forgotten by the copywriter if he wants his writing not to "expire" prematurely.