SEMrush . When
Person as yours, even if their products/services are not your direct competitors. These are your content competitors . And where do you start to identify your competitors? Well, the answer is where all our doubts are usually resolved: on Google. Search for the top, middle, and bottom of the funnel terms relevant to your persona. Which companies stand out? Also take into account your direct competitors who are behind in content production. Even if they have little share in the search results, they compete for Jiangsu Mobile Phone Number List the same market share as you and deserve your attention. In this step, a tool that can help you a lot is SEMrush . When doing a general analysis of the domain (the Portuguese version of our blog), for example, the tool presents the main domains that compete for the keywords we rank. This strategic analysis shows the main content competitors for our domain
, how many keywords they have indexed, and how many keywords other domains have in common with us. SEMrush is a paid tool, but it offers a huge amount of information that can help you analyze your competitors . Therefore, it will appear again other times throughout this article. From these analyses, assemble your list of competitors that you really need to accompany . Record the content strategy of each competitor This is the most operational stage of the process