Among the various types of art resources
Currently, although some tools that can quickly generate resources have appeared in the field of D art resources, in comparison, the generation of D art resources is still not mature. However, the discussion in this regard will be put aside for the time being. , AI video tools play a certain auxiliary role in the production of animation art resources, although there are also some challenges. According to the previous analysis, the production scenarios of animation materials in the game industry mainly involve the following aspects: R&D side: character movements, combat effects, scene lighting andshadow, UI interaction, etc.; Marketing side: video materials, animation Afghanistan WhatsApp Number materials; Operation side: activity/content operation materials, etc.; All these aspects can be combined with AI animation/video related tools to achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement goals. Let’s first break down the current animation material production process, which mainly includes the following links: Find inspiration Before producing animation materials, artists usually use third-party platforms to conduct research to collect inspiration and materials. For the collection of production inspiration for marketing-level video materials, they use websites
such as DataEye and AppGrowing. These platforms bring together the most popular and latest video materials in the advertising field. Through these surveys, producers can understand which materials perform well in advertising, which materials are currently popular, and which ones have potential, thereby guiding their video material creation.