Comments in the telegram channel
Telegram has long ceased to be an ordinary messenger and has turned into a full-fledged social network, within which its own groups and chats have formed. The platform continues to develop and improve. If in 2019 it was impossible to connect comments in Telegram groups and channels without the help of special bots, today it has become much easier to connect discussions to a channel. We will tell you how to work with comments in Telegram in today's material.
Some statistics
According to research, half of the entire RuNet audience is an active user of the application. And the monthly growth of the application audience in 2021 was about 500 million people, and the number of users is constantly growing.
Therefore, being present in Telegram is no less important than developing a page on wordpress web design agency Instagram or Tik-Tok. The modern fragmentation of the Internet, which implies a large selection of social networks and applications, automatically implies that if the choice is only in favor of one messenger, one platform or social network, it inevitably limits the audience. In these conditions, it is highly desirable to create and regularly post different types of content for different platforms, taking into account the features of formats and audiences. This will provide access to the published information to the maximum number of people.
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What is the difference between a group and a channel: what to choose
The maximum limit for groups is 200 thousand participants, each of whom can post messages. If a channel is created, there is no limit on the number of participants, but only the administrator can post messages. Both the group and the channel have a function for connecting comments.
What are comments for?
Comments increase activity in the group by attracting participants and increasing engagement with the content - many users like not only to read posts, but also to take part in the discussion.
In addition, using this feature, you can ask questions to your audience and receive feedback, as well as hold contests and giveaways to increase engagement and loyalty to the channel from subscribers.
How to connect discussions to a channel
By default, comments are disabled. To enable them, you need to do the following:
Open the control menu in the created channel or group.
Select the "Discussion" item and click on it.
In the menu that opens, create a chat and give it a name.
If the group or channel is closed, the chat with comments will also be available only to participants. In the case of an open group or channel, the chat is available to all users.
We recommend making the same avatar for the chat as for the main channel, and mentioning the name of the main channel in the chat title so that users can quickly identify and understand its affiliation. After the chat is created and linked to a group or channel, a "Comment" button will appear under each post, clicking on which will direct participants to the chat with comments.